Just Released

Your Career, AI Supercharged

Use AI to analyze job opportunities, predict success rates, andmaximize your earning potential
on Upwork, Fiverr, and other platforms.
4.9/5 Rating

Lightning Fast

Boost your productivity with instant access to powerful tools.

Lightning Fast

Zero lag access

Privacy First

Your data, protected

Smart Actions

AI-powered workflow

Superpower Your Browser

Everything you need to enhance your browsing experience

Lightning Fast

Access powerful tools instantly with zero lag

Privacy First

Your data stays private and secure, always

Smart Actions

Automate your workflow with AI-powered suggestions

See it in Action

Watch how our extension transforms your browsing experience

Smart Actions

Loved by Thousands

Join the community of satisfied users who've enhanced their browsing experience

4.9/5on Chrome Store

This extension has completely transformed how I work online. The smart actions feature is a game-changer!


Sarah Johnson

Product DesignerChrome Store

This extension has completely transformed how I work online. The smart actions feature is a game-changer!


Sarah Johnson

Product DesignerChrome Store

This extension has completely transformed how I work online. The smart actions feature is a game-changer!


Sarah Johnson

Product DesignerChrome Store

This extension has completely transformed how I work online. The smart actions feature is a game-changer!


Sarah Johnson

Product DesignerChrome Store

This extension has completely transformed how I work online. The smart actions feature is a game-changer!


Sarah Johnson

Product DesignerChrome Store

This extension has completely transformed how I work online. The smart actions feature is a game-changer!


Sarah Johnson

Product DesignerChrome Store

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Everything you need to know about our extension

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Join thousands of users who've already transformed their browsing experience. Install now and get premium features free for 30 days!